The listing of BKB

Our Client

BKB has been a leading player in the South African agricultural industry for more than 100 years. The group particularly focuses on wool and mohair brokerage services, livestock auctioneering and sales, grain and lucerne storage and processing, sugar processing and packaging, agri-retail shops, property sales and leasing, and agri financing across South Africa.

Solution Required

BKB required a cost effective and efficient platform to facilitate and enhance trading in BKB Shares.


Pallidus assisted BKB to list on the Cape Town Stock Exchange (“CTSE”) as this will enhance the ability of existing and prospective shareholders to buy and sell BKB Shares in a cost-effective manner and will also simplify the current administration process for trading in BKB Shares. The listing on the CTSE provides the following additional advantages for the BKB Group:

• contributing to and enhancing the BKB Group’s public profile;

• enhancing the BKB Group’s relations with shareholders, service providers, financiers and other stakeholders; and

• increasing liquidity for Shareholders through a publicly-traded exchange and/or enabling Shareholders to realise the value of their investments in BKB.





Sole Corporate Finance Advisor, and External Issuer Agent 


South Africa 

Deal Size

ZAR 884 m

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